After accidentally swimming pools, women can not make any voice for 12 years

حادثاتÛŒ طور پر سکہ نگÙ„نÛ’ کÛ’ بعد خاتوÙ†  12 ساÙ„ تÚ© کوئÛŒ آواز نہ نکاÙ„ سکیÚº

My MacDaddy was 13 when her voice was gone. The doctors considered some dangerous virus due to it. After 12 years, I was surprised to know that the reason for his voice was a sue, which was stuck on him, due to which he did not speak. My story is quite old but now my one The book is "Voice Lace". After coming in front of this book, Mary's story has become the focus of everyone again.

I have described my book in my child's age and 12 years of experience again.
In 1972, Marie, a 13-year-old in 1972, suddenly the sound of Mary Huffermanen suddenly went. The doctor tested everything, but he could not find the reasons for the sound of the sound. After one day my mother started going to school Taxes are becoming normal.

Initially, he and his parents were worried about how they would be able to communicate with others.

Luckily my and her friends pulled out the way to communicate with the slippery scriptures, which makes them enjoyable and their life also became easy.
Mary received her education from St. Annie Catholic School, Dapto, Australia. What would have been to help in this school, instead of being called a sorcerer? He heard a monk from other girls saying that Satan is behind me to get a sudden sound

My and his friends would joke the teachers on being declared magical, but the problem was serious when I was separated from other students so that they could not affect others. Then they were 14 years old with all these things. At the age of this school,
After graduation, he was not giving any job. A gentleman gave him a typing course, after which he got a job too
A strange incident occurred at the age of 25, in 1984, with me. They coughed a loud cough, they went to a finished bathroom, and their mouth came out of the blood. The doctors examined their throat when he reached the hospital in Ambulance. After examining the doctors, they took out 3 pounds of cloaked blood from their throat. Amazingly, I get the voice back.

Doctors forbid me not to speak for a week but I could not follow this recipe.
Many things in my story are quite mysterious. Just as they did not know how to swallow the coin. I say that this item will be in cans or bottles, due to which it swallowed it in a rare way. Another amazing thing is that what I thought was 1954. These coins were not circulated for several years.